Un hombre mira su teléfono mientras escucha La Biblia en Un Año

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La Biblia en un Año, ha tenido una pequeña actualización de imagen y ahora se llama La Biblia con Nicky y Pippa Gumbel. Serás redirigido automaticamente a nuestro nuevo sitio web en  bible.alpha.org

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BiOY es también un correo electrónico, un sitio web y pronto será un podcast.



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Bible in One Year (Spanish) comes in one edition...

Let Nicky and Pippa Be Your Guide

Bible in One Year is a practice that Nicky & Pippa Gumbel have been doing for over thirty years. Join them each day as they take you into every chapter and every verse in the Bible and let the Holy Spirit speak into your life.

Join us as we read the Bible each day. It’s a practice that we have been doing for over 30 years and we hope it will benefit your life as much as it has ours.

Nicky & Pippa lead Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB), a church in central London. They first introduced the Bible in One Year commentary in 2011 as a daily email for their congregation members. Since then it has grown beyond that daily email to be a website, app, podcast, and more with a worldwide following.

Find out more

Today's Reading

Today Day 48: Agudiza tu conciencia Proverbios 5:1-14 · Marcos 2:18-3:30 · Éxodo 21:1-22:31

Day 47: Pon primero lo primero

Day 46: Los altibajos de la vida

Day 45: La pregunta más importante del mundo entero

Day 44: Haciendo de tu vida algo hermoso

Day 43: Él te salvó

In the Bible in One Year app you can access a full history, audio devotions, progress tracking, and more. Download today


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